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Land of Confusion -Daily Post

Do you mind if I smoke? Ehm no. Looking at the open window and his position next to it. I continue asking him about his day. Pertaining in some small talk, as some of my other room mates enter the kitchen.

A box filled with beer, a vodka bottle, and a bottle of Pepsi, enters with them. 

More conversations spring up, about random stuff, as they gradually begin to drink.

My room mates now laughing loudly. Can of beer in one hand, as he makes a joke about some girl. Another voices his opinion, that most girls just use you. I shake my head. Thanking God, he saved me from this.

How am I going to, as politely as possible, excuse myself from this? I ask myself…

Hoping the water cooker hurries up and the eggs fry themselves quicker, so I can get out of there, I’ve got an essay to write, don’t I?  Inconspicuously trying to smell my T-shirt, I sigh as my nose detects the stench of cigarettes on it. I hate cigarettes.

The guys now talking about some party in the past few weeks, where one of them was so drunk he started a fight with someone else, he lost.

Tea and egg finished cooking, I give my excuses, saying I’ll see them later.

Suddenly waking up, I look at my alarm clock, 3am. Someone was screaming, was I still dreaming? There it is again, this time coupled with laughter. I stand up, walk over to my basin I sprinkle water in my face, trying to clear my head. I step out of my room, one of my room mates and a girl are in front of the fire door, opposite of my room. “You guys are crazy”, I say and carry on to the toilet. Back in my room, I make ablution (wudhu), taking out my Quran and pray Tahajjud (voluntary night prayer) till Fajr (dawn prayer).

Sometimes, sometimes  I just feel totally out of place. Mostly it’s when I’m among people of my age. I do not take part in the “dating scene” for obvious reasons. Often though that and similar things is quite prevalent in the minds of those my age, “Which gal is hot?”.

Whereas the injunction from the Quran is:

“Tell believing men to lower their eyes and guard their private parts: that is purer for them. God is well aware of everything they do.”

Quran [24:30]

I’ve taken to not leaving my room, except when absolutely necessary, on Friday or Wednesday nights.  I feel out of place on a weekly occurrence at least.

Thank You Daily Post.

Wa Salam,


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