
and welcome

Abdur-Rahman, 29. GER | UK | NG

I am young Muslim, interested in the preservation of all things beautiful and profound. A cultural Worker and engineer, experimenting, learning + unlearning my way through life.

“Treading this world lightly, inspiring compassion and justice to every creature within it and appreciating its beauty as a reflection of God. Verily, in the remembrance of God do hearts find rest”


What does it mean to be human? What is a good life and how does one live it? Do you only live once? Questions I ask myself and share some of my thoughts over on my blog.

Cultural Work

Or creative work? Is the word creative laden with capitalist ideals, of individualism, of seeking money and fame? Maybe, me I am in love with beauty.

I am a freelance graphic designer, a photo and videograph, and a writer, who might sometimes share a poem or two.


I am a Chemical Engineer who grew a conscious as my best friend once said. I am a Muslim vegan, travelling this world looking for balance. Currently I study a Masters in Environmental Engineering and work at a research institute.


Now that I have talked about the controversial stuff, let’s talk about Politics. Any takers? The personal is political, I believe that. Beyond that I am still finding my way, learning and unlearning, striving for justice. While knowing that God is the Just. Accompany me along that journey!

My recent projects

IMSU Iftar Trailer 2023

Videography / Edit

Promotional video for the 16. annual Iftar held by the International Muslim Student Association Aachen.

Watch the video on their Instagram

VisualRemembrance – Moments in Ramadan

Videography / Edit

VisualRemembrance is a video journal of moments I want to remember, as well as moments of remembering God.


  • 5 broken Cameras

    I finally watched it, I am ashamed to say, with all the opportunities I have had.Muslims wherever they are, whether in the Philippines or in Palestine are close to my heart. So I ask myself if I am truly truthful, what have I done for them? As Muslims we are told to be like a…

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  • The aches and pains

    Head held high, despite the pain Within air level, approximately 30 metres high In a small room, slowly growin’ insane Gasping, releasing a slow sigh Feels like an orchestrate playin’ the squeak of a mouse, no of a crayon  and nails on a chalkboard all in my head feelin’ heavy like lead The mouse (cursor)…

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  • Die Lust am Töten

    Die Katana in der Luft. So schnell wie der Blitz. Die Klinge blitzt im Sonnenschein, leises summen. Schwingungen drängen in dein Ohr. Als du dich umdrehst saust das Schwert in einem Bogen auf dich zu. Deine Augen aufgerissen, Körper erstarrt. Blut kaltes Eis. Fest gefroren.  Dein Herz pocht, noch. Das einzige, dass sich traut sich…

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Verily, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest