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Daily Post

Over the past week I’ve been getting more and more interested and involved in writing than I have the whole year I guess. As I checked out other blogs I’ve noticed these badges saying “I’m part of Post A Day 2013”, these introduced me to the Daily Post from WordPress.com and its daily and weekly challenges and articles all about writing/blogging and improvement in it.

Daily Post

While I don’t think I’m going to be able to consistently do it, I’m thinking of taking at least some Ideas from the prompts and carrying on doing my thing. Whatever that is…I haven’t figured it out yet. I’ll take some daily prompts and try and turn them into something readable and hopefully post it that same day, others I might take the whole week to write something longer about. Maybe. I’m not really sure, I’ll play around with it a bit, see what happens.

Wa Salam,


PS: I decided to post the weekly, “Videos? Love em’” post every Tuesday inshaAllah

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